High Schools - Pasadena ISD

Click on a school below to view information about that school. Any of the members for the schools listed below can be added as your friends and will appear on your profile. Schools with next to them have custom websites designed specifically for that school.

Dobie High School (314)

10220 Blackhawk
Houston, TX 77089

Pasadena High School (189)

206 S. Shaver
Pasadena, TX 77506

Pasadena Memorial High School (25)

4410 Crenshaw
Pasadena, TX 77504

Sam Rayburn High School (53)

2121 Cherrybrook Ln.
Pasadena, TX 77502

South Houston High School (559)

3820 South Shaver
South Houston, TX 77587

Total Schools: 5
Total Custom Websites: 4
Total Members: 1140
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